Physical fitness: A pathway to health and resilience

Article · October 2013with766 Reads
Source: PubMed
Various groups representing a number of different perspectives (for example, operational, architectural, community, institutional, and individual resilience) use the term resilience. We define resilience as the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. Physical fitness is one pathway toward resilience because it is associated with many traits and attributes required for resilience. In addition, physical fitness confers resilience because regular exercise and/or physical activity induces positive physiologic and psychological benefits, protects against the potential consequences of stressful events, and prevents many chronic diseases. This article presents a brief historical overview of the health-promoting effects of exercise and physical activity, followed by a discussion on the concept of hardiness and mental toughness and how they relate to resilience and physical fitness; how physical fitness promotes resilience; the clinical implications of a sedentary lifestyle; and the relevance of physical fitness and resilience to Army Medicine's Performance Triad.
…physical tness is not only one of the most impor-
tant keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic
and creative intellectual activity.
President-Elect John F. Kennedy1
Various groups representing a number of different per-
spectives (for example, operational, architectural, com-
munity, institutional, and individual resilience) have
de ned the term resilience. For the purposes of this
article, we de ne resilience as the ability to withstand,
recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing
In recent reviews and papers on resilience, one factor
that continues to appear as promoting and/or conferring
resilience is physical tness3,4 and regular physical ac-
tivity.5-7 Thus, we focus on the role of physical tness
in overall individual resilience. The bene t of physical
tness on resilience is in part based on the recognition
that physical tness, achieved through physical activity
and/or regular exercise, can induce positive physiologic
and psychological bene ts, protect against the poten-
tial consequences of stressful events, and prevent many
chronic diseases.8-11 After a brief historical overview of
the health-promoting effects of exercise and physical ac-
tivity, the following topics are discussed: the concept of
hardiness and mental toughness and how they relate to
resilience and physical tness; how physical tness pro-
motes resilience; the clinical implications of a sedentary
lifestyle; and the relevance of physical tness and resil-
ience to Army Medicine’s Performance Triad. Through-
out this article, the terms physical activity and exercise
are used interchangeably, depending on the literature,
recognizing that exercise represents a planned, struc-
tured, and regular form of physical activity.
The quest for physical tness has been unremitting, how-
ever, its importance and application have changed and /
or transitioned over time with both high and low points.
Hunting and gathering for survival were the initial im-
petus for tness, which was later followed by the rec-
ognition that selected physical movements and activities
were important for developing the body and preventing
and curing diseases.12-14 In fact, the importance of reg-
ular exercise and physical activity has been touted for
over 7,000 years.12,13 In China, the philosophical teach-
ings of Confucius encouraged participation in regular
physical activity, as physical inactivity was recognized
as associated with certain diseases.12 The Chinese devel-
oped many perspectives on how to achieve and maintain
health, and they deemed exercise essential for increasing
strength, prolonging life, preventing and curing diseas-
es, and minimizing the accumulation of fat.12 Quigong,
Cong fou (later Kung Fu), and Tai-Chi were some of the
gymnastic/movement forms developed in China some-
time around 3,000 BC.12 Among the Greeks, Herodicus
(ci rca 450 BC) was the rst to promote physical activ-
ity, and he even considered exercise a form of medicine.
Nonetheless, Hippocrates is usually considered the fa-
ther of exercise and medicine.13 These 2 Greeks were fol-
lowed by Galen (129-210 AD)15 who was perhaps the most
advanced, as he wrote not only about when to exercise,
but he also described various types of exercises, identi-
ed qualities of exercise, speci c places to exercise, and
factors to think about prior to exercise.13 Although the
Physical Fitness:
A Pathway to Health and Resilience
Patricia A. Deuster, PhD, MPH
Marni N. Silverman, PhD
Various groups representing a number of different perspectives (for example, operational, architectural, com-
munity, institutional, and individual resilience) use the term resilience. We de ne resilience as the ability to
withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. Physical tness is one pathway
toward resilience because it is associated with many traits and attributes required for resilience. In addition,
physical tness confers resilience because regular exercise and/or physical activity induces positive physiologic
and psychological bene ts, protects against the potential consequences of stressful events, and prevents many
chronic diseases. This article presents a brief historical overview of the health-promoting effects of exercise
and physical activity, followed by a discussion on the concept of hardiness and mental toughness and how they
relate to resilience and physical tness; how physical tness promotes resilience; the clinical implications of a
sedentary lifestyle; and the relevance of physical tness and resilience to Army Medicine’s Performance Triad.
October – December 2013 25
importance of exercise and physical tness diminished
during various periods of time, such as after the fall of
the Roman empire when the church became the domi-
nant in uence,16 during the period of industrialization,12
and notably during the 1920s (often called the Roaring
Twe nt ie s) wh e n r el a xa tio n a nd en jo ym en t we re ke y.12
However, the importance of exercise remains widely
recognized. It is interesting to re ect on the comment of
Edward Stanley, the 15th Earl of Derby, who stated in an
address at Liverpool College on December 20, 1873 that:
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise
will sooner or later have to nd time for illness.14
It is discouraging to realize we have made little progress
over the centuries.
Although the term resilience, as it is used today, emerged
from work on children living under conditions of depri-
vation,17-20 it is now applied to diverse disciplines5-7 and
populations.21-24 Identifying how and why some indi-
viduals are seemingly able to bear up, and sometimes
thrive, under adverse conditions with no observable neg-
ative physical or psychological outcomes, is a continu-
ous quest.5-7,25-33 Personality traits associated with resil-
ience include hardiness and mental toughness.9,3 4- 46 The
term hardiness, as considered by Kobasa et al,34,37-43 was
typi ed by “interrelated orientations of commitment (vs
alienation), control (vs powerlessness), and challenge
(vs threat).”41 This original characterization was later
re ned by Maddi,11 who proposed that hardiness is an
attitude (or set of attitudes) and personality trait that
helps an individual restructure stressors into growth op-
portunities rather than allowing them to be or become
Bartone et al47,48 developed the dispositional hardiness
scale to assess hardiness, and this scale has been used in
a number of studies to relate hardiness characteristics in
persons exposed to challenging occupations and experi-
ences.45,49-52 Bonanno 53 noted that hardiness is one of the
pathways to resilience. Crust et al36 developed the model
of mental toughness by applying the traits of hardiness
to re ect the unique demands of sports and exercise; the
trait of con dence was added to control, commitment,
and challenge.35,36,4 4,4 6,5 4,55 As noted by Crust et al36:
Mentally tough individuals are considered to be com-
petitive, resilient to errors or stress, and have high self-
con dence and low anxiety.
The literature clearly shows that both hardiness and
mental toughness are highly related to resilience.28,56 -58
In addition to the personality traits of hardiness and
mental toughness, other psychological attributes and
social-cognitive variables have been associated with
resilience, including self-esteem, self-ef cacy and mo-
tivation.20,21,59-62 How do these closely associated traits or
attributes relate to physical tness and physical activity?
Interestingly, regular physical activity and aerobic t-
ness have been shown to be associated with speci c
personality traits and psychological attributes63 -72 asso-
ciated with resilience. For example, anxiety and depres-
sion are inversely related to maximal aerobic capacity, a
primary indicator of physical tness.73,74 Moreover, our
unpublished data show a signi cant positive association
between aerobic capacity and hardiness (r=0.24), and an
inverse relation with perceived stress (r=-0.26) and trait
anxiety (r=-0.17). Of note, Skirka et al10 reported sig-
ni cantly higher hardiness scores, less perceived stress,
and fewer psychological symptoms in varsity college
athletes than college nonathletes, which further supports
a strong association between regular exercise, aerobic
tness, and hardiness. Furthermore, mental toughness,
the personality trait associated with athletes and athletic
competition, has been shown to mitigate the relationship
between high stress and depressive symptoms.57
Two determinants of physical activity, self-esteem and
self-ef cacy, be they enduring traits or modi able attri-
butes, are essential for resilience.65,66 ,75 Self-ef cacy gen-
erally re ects how self-con dent a person is with regard
to undertaking a particular action under challenging
situations,67,72,76,77 and self-esteem signi es ones sense
of self-worth or personal value.68 Multiple studies have
shown that children and young adults who participate in
regular exercise score higher on measures of self-esteem
and self-ef cacy67,70-72,76,78-80 and competitiveness81 com-
pared to sedentary, untrained controls. Moreover, these
two attributes are improved through regular physical
activity.69,72 Netz et al72 conducted a meta-analysis of 36
studies examining how physical activity interventions
affected well-being in healthy adults. Moderate intensi-
ty aerobic exercise was shown to be most bene cial and
had a strong effect on self-ef cacy, in addition to con-
ferring improvements in aerobic capacity and strength.
Ekeland et al69 likewise conducted a systematic review
of 12 studies to assess how exercise affected self-esteem
in children and young people. They concluded that ex-
ercise has positive short-term effects on self-esteem and
that it might be an important strategy for improving self-
esteem. Interestingly, one hypothesis as to how physical
activity enhances self-ef cacy and self-esteem is that it
requires the application of self-management strategies
(eg, thoughts, goals, plans, and acts) to achieve a goal.76
Self-management strategies require commitment, con-
trol, and motivation, and although each strategy is im-
portant, motivation appears to be key in terms of regular
physical activity.70,78,82-85 Research has shown that mo-
tivation is very important with regard to commencing
and maintaining participation in regular physical exer-
cise.76, 84 According to the literature, motivation is some
force or stimulus that leads an individual to undertake
a particular task or activity in which they have a spe-
ci c objective or derive personal meaning.78,82,83 Over-
all, these studies strongly suggest that personality traits
(hardiness and mental toughness) and other attributes
(self-esteem, self-ef cacy, motivation, self-manage-
ment strategies) may contribute to the buffering effect
of physical tness and how tness confers resilience.
Further, one must be motivated to be committed, and
possess self-ef cacy and self-esteem to accept a chal-
lenge. Clearly, strong relationships exist between and
among hardiness or mental toughness, self-ef cacy,
self-esteem, and motivation; all essential resources for
resilience, and all associated with physical tness.
That physical tness is essential for health and well-being
is not in question, as noted in the earlier historical over-
view. However, scienti c data documenting the essenti-
ality of physical activity for health did not emerge until
the late 1800s and early 1900s when epidemiological
studies demonstrated that sedentary persons were more
likely to have coronary heart disease than those who led
active lifestyles.16,86 -9 0 Since those rst studies, the litera-
ture has become replete with evidence that physical t-
ness and regular exercise confer resilience and serve as a
resistance resource in a variety of ways, including blunt-
ing stress reactivity in response to both physical and psy-
chosocial stressors, conferring multiple physiologic and
psychological bene ts, serving as a buffer against stress,
and protecting against stress-related disorders and many
chronic illnesses.57,74,78,91-95 A conceptual model of the
personality traits and attributes associated with physical
tness and resilience is presented in the Figure.
Physical Fitness Blunts Stress Reactivity in Response
to Both Physical and Psychosocial Stressors:
Physiologic and Psychological Benefits
The 2 main neuroendocrine/neural systems that medi-
ate the stress response are the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal axis, with the resultant release of cortisol, and
the sympathetic nervous system, which releases the cat-
echolamines epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepineph-
rine. Activation of these stress systems mediates the
ght or ight response, which entails the rapid mobi-
lization of energy from storage sites to critical muscles
and the brain (getting one ready for action, increasing
alertness/arousal). Moreover, increased heart rate, blood
pressure, and breathing rate facilitate the rapid transport
of nutrients and oxygen to relevant parts of the body. To-
gether, these stress systems orchestrate the physiologic
and behavioral adaptations to stress. However, chronic
activation can lead to dysregulation of multiple physi-
ologic and behavioral systems, leading to maladaptive
stress responses, including anxiety and depression.96,97
Physical tness and aerobic tness have been related to
a reduction in stress reactivity, physiologically and psy-
chologically, for both physical and mental/psychosocial
Interestingly, neuroendocrine and physiologic responses
to exercise at the same absolute workload are signi -
cantly lower in physically t than un t persons.10 8-111 Ad-
ditionally, physically active people show reduced sym-
pathoadrenal reactivity to physical stressors.109,110 When
untrained persons are enrolled in a regular exercise pro-
gram for 8-12 weeks, their response to the same physical
stress prior to beginning exercise training is signi cant-
ly higher than after the training.112 Thus, when trained
and untrained persons have to work at the same rate,
the untrained person will experience signi cantly more
stress than someone who is physically t and aerobically
trained.108 -110 Therefore, the higher the level of aerobic
tness, the greater the ability to tolerate high workloads
and be minimally stressed by low ones.
Physical training also appears to confer protection
against nonphysical stressors, mental and/or psycholog-
ical.98,111,113,114 Rimelle et al115 documented signi cantly
lower cortisol and heart rate responses to psychosocial
A conceptual model of the personality traits and attributes as-
sociated with physical tness and resilience and how physical
tness confers resilience. Physical tness confers resilience be -
cause regular exercise/physical activity can protect against the
potential consequences of stressful events and prevent many
chronic and stress-related diseases/disorders.
CVD indicates cardiovascular disease.
Low self-esteem
Low self-ef cacy
Physically Un t
(Aerobically un t /fat)
Physically Fit
(Aerobically t /lean)
Physically active
High self-esteem
High self-ef cacy
Con dent
Chronic/Stress-related Disorders
anxiety, depression, cognitive
dysfunction, pain and fatigue disorders,
sleep disorders, obesity, CVD, metabolic
syndrome, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis,
autoimmune disease, cancer
October – December 2013 27
stress in trained men compared to untrained men. More-
over, signi cantly greater calmness and better mood,
and a trend toward lower state anxiety were noted in
the trained relative to untrained men. In addition, oth-
ers have noted blunted cortisol responses115 and reduced
cardiovascular responses98 ,99,115 to psychological labora-
tory stressors in physically active as compared to less
active persons. Webb et al111 administered a dual chal-
lenge of physical and mental stress and noted that low-
t participants had greater cortisol responses compared
to high- t individuals. Importantly, in a meta-review of
34 studies, Crews et al99 reported that aerobically t in-
dividuals had reduced responses to psychosocial stress
in comparison to controls. These ndings are consistent
with those from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study,
which found a signi cant inverse dose-response rela-
tionship between aerobic tness and depressive symp-
tomatology and a positive association between tness
and emotional well-being.116
In addition to cross-sectional studies, longitudinal stud-
ies have demonstrated positive effects of exercise train-
ing and regular physical activity, and negative effects
of exercise withdrawal on mood and depressive symp-
toms.68,117-121 Nabkasorn et al117 studied adolescent fe-
males with depressive symptoms and noted signi cant
decreases in total depressive score, as well as in 24-hour
urinary cortisol and epinephrine excretion, following 8
weeks of physical training (jogging). Importantly, stud-
ies by Berlin et al118 and Weinstein et al121 demonstrated
that when someone who exercises regularly is forced
to withdraw from exercise for 2 weeks, negative mood
increases signi cantly and correlates with decreases in
tness.118,121 In addition, a reduction in parasympathetic
nervous system activity, as measured by heart rate vari-
ability, predicted the development of negative mood after
deprivation of exercise.121 These ndings are relevant to
understanding both short-term exercise withdrawal and
exercise initiation, and how they affect overall stress re-
silience and reactivity.
Despite the multiple positive ndings, not all are consis-
tent,65,122,123 particularly with regard to catecholamine re-
lease, with both blunted and augmented responses noted
in high- versus low- t persons.112,12 3 Along those same
lines, de Geus et al 65 were unable to detect changes in
psychological make-up (for example, personality traits
of neuroticism, introversion, hostility, anger expression)
or acute neurophysiologic reactivity (for example, heart
rate, blood pressure, urinary catecholamine excretion,
or cardiac beta-adrenergic drive) after 4 and 8 months of
training. Thus, although the majority of studies support
positive effects of regular exercise and aerobic tness,
not all studies are consistent.
Physical Fitness Serves as a Buffer against Stress and
Stress-Related Disorders
Physical activity may provide a protective effect against
stress-related disorders, as physically t persons appear
to be less susceptible to life stressors, in particular with
regard to illnesses: physical tness may serve as a buffer
against stress,63,124,125 with stress being highly associated
with various illnesses.20,34,73,124,126,127 A comprehensive re-
view of the literature from 1982 to 2008 in which exer-
cise was examined as a stress-buffer concluded that the
majority of studies, both cross-sectional and prospective,
found exercise to be an effective buffer, but the amount
and type of exercise necessary for protection were not
stated.93 The concept of stress buffering was rst pro-
posed by Kobasa et al,34 and later by others9,11 who clearly
showed that regular exercise and hardiness interact to de-
crease illness in the face of serious life stressors.34 Persons
who scored high in hardiness and participated in regular
exercise were usually more healthy than those high only
in hardiness or exercise alone.34 Collectively, the data
suggest that participation in leisure physical activity is
important to the stress-buffering effect of exercise.128
Physical tness and regular exercise also appear to buf-
fer against depression 63,68,125,129-134 and anxiety.100,12 5,134 -136
In fact, the bene cial effects of physical activity on posi-
tive mood are well recognized.83,137 Rethorst et al131 con-
ducted a meta-analysis of all studies investigating the
effects of exercise on depression, and 12 of 16 exercise
treatment groups with clinically depressed patients were
classi ed as “recovered” or “improved” after the treat-
ment. Similarly, a number of prospective studies have
demonstrated reductions in state anxiety.129,138 Man-
ger et al129 had persons diagnosed with posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) undergo a 12-session aerobic
exercise program and showed signi cant reductions in
PTSD, anxiety, and depression following the interven-
tion. Moreover, these positive results were stable over 1
month of follow-up.129 Finally, Wip i et al135 conducted
a meta-analysis (based on 49 randomized, controlled
trials) examining the effects of exercise on anxiety,
and demonstrated clear reductions in anxiety among
those who exercised compared to the respective control
groups. Of interest was their nding that exercise was
more effective in reducing anxiety relative to other anx-
iety-reducing treatments.135
The short- and long-term consequences of low physical
tness and a sedentary lifestyle are clear. Physical inac-
tivity serves a major role in the rising prevalence of obe-
sity, cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, type II
diabetes mellitus (T2DM), metabolic syndrome, insulin
resistance, hyperlipidemia, and breast and colon cancers,
to name a few.91,9 4,9 5,116,1 39,140 Of course, excess energy in-
take also contributes to obesity,78 ,94,95, but lack of physi-
cal activity is the leading contributor91,9 4, 95,116 ,139,14 0 and
also the fourth leading cause of death worldwide.95 In
contrast to a sedentary lifestyle, high aerobic tness is
inversely related to obesity, metabolic syndrome, CVD,
hypertension, and T2DM.74,141-145
In addition to the major chronic diseases mentioned
above, low aerobic tness has been associated with bro-
myalgia (FM),146, 147 c h ro n ic f at ig ue sy n d ro me (C FS ), 148,149
osteoarthritis,150 -152 rheumatoid arthritis,150,153,154 and in-
ammatory muscle disorders.155,156 Low aerobic tness
is also associated with elevations in serum C-reactive
protein (CRP), a well-known marker of in ammation.
Many studies have shown that maximal aerobic capacity
is inversely related to CRP,142,157 and that exercise inter-
ventions, both aerobic and resistance in nature, reduce
levels of CRP.157-159 However, not all studies showed a
signi cant effect.160-162 A meta-analytic study by Kelley
et al16 2 of 5 randomized controlled trials reported an ap-
proximately 3% reduction in CRP levels across the ex-
ercise groups, which was not signi cant. However, the
studies that were negative found other positive bene ts
of exercise, regardless of its effect on CRP.
With regard to FM, exercise as an intervention has been
shown to be bene cial, particularly in relation to pain
management. Ellingson et al147 conducted a prospective
study and emphasized how a sedentary lifestyle was like-
ly deleterious for pain regulation in FM. Likewise, Cur-
tis et al16 3 conducted a study wherein women with FM
who engaged in a 75-minute yoga class twice weekly for
8 weeks reported reduced pain and catastrophizing, and
increased acceptance of pain. Chronic fatigue syndrome
is another debilitating disorder characterized by mini-
mal physical activity during daily life and lower muscle
strength and aerobic capacity compared to healthy sed-
entary subjects.149,154 As with FM, when persons with
CFS are entered into a regular exercise program, signi -
cant bene ts in terms of physical capacity, quality of life,
fatigue severity, and depressive symptomatology are
reported.164,16 5 Interestingly, Heins et al166 reported that
physical activity is intentionally limited in CFS patients,
possibly because they expect negative bodily symptoms
and catastrophize in such a way as to negatively affect
their performance. This underscores the importance of
the exercise-derived resilience resources self-ef cacy,
self-esteem, and motivation, which, unfortunately, were
not measured in the above studies.
Overall, the clinical implications of a sedentary, physi-
cally inactive lifestyle are profound, and the literature
clearly demonstrates that having a valid measure of
physical tness, in particular aerobic tness, may be
one of the best indicators of resilience, as well as long-
term health and risk of chronic diseases. Most of the
above mentioned chronic diseases/disorders are also as-
sociated with depression, anxiety, low self-ef cacy, and
other barriers to critical resilience resources. Promoting
regular physical activity in these populations has been
shown to exert profound bene cial changes, and should
be the key intervention for all such populations who are
able to engage in regular physical activity.
Limitations of studies examining how physical tness
contributes to resilience must be acknowledged. First,
many studies examining reactivity to both physical
and psychosocial stress did not quantify aerobic tness
or regular physical activity. This is essential for being
able to accurately interpret the results, as they may be
important confounders. Secondly, the intimate rela-
tion between hardiness/mental toughness, and aerobic
capacity/physical activity must be further evaluated to
document their interrelationship. Certainly, the mental
toughness model was speci cally developed for athletes
who are physically t and have self-con dence, so one
would expect them to have many resilience resources.
However, what happens when they become injured? In
addition, many people with chronic diseases are able to
cope and are physically un t (they may be unable to en-
gage in regular exercise), so physical tness is important,
but not an absolute.23,24
Physical tness is associated with many traits and attri-
butes required for resilience. As such, it is one pathway
toward resilience. Promoting physical tness as a path-
way to resilience is based on solid, scienti c evidence
as noted in many ancient and current sources showing
that physical tness blunts stress reactivity, confers
physiologic and psychological bene ts, serves as a buf-
fer against stress, and can protect against stress-related
disorders and chronic illness. Perhaps the role of physical
tness as a pathway to resilience was most eloquently
stated by then President-Elect John F. Kennedy in 1960
when he said:
…physical tness is not only one of the most important
keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and
creative intellectual activity. …intelligence and skill can
only function at the peak of their capacity when the body
is healthy and strong; hardy spirits and tough minds usu-
ally inhabit sound bodies.1
Physical activity is a key component of the Performance
Triad and is clearly essential to optimal performance.
October – December 2013 29
However, physical activity in the absence of adequate
fueling (ie, healthy dietary patterns, appropriate timing
and types of nutrients) and an adequate quantity and
quality of sleep and recovery is not the solution. Ex-
cessive activity can lead to overtraining, musculoskel-
etal injuries, and similar problems. Only when physical
activity is balanced with a healthy diet and restorative
sleep will the bene ts described above be realized.
This research was supported by a grant from
Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2;
HT9404-12-1-0017; F191GJ).
We appreciate the support in preparation and review of
this article by LTC Sharon A. McBride, MS, USA.
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Dr Deuster is Director and Professor, Consortium for Health and Military Performance, Department of Military and
Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.
Dr Silverman is Senior Scientist, Human Performance Laboratory, Consortium for Health and Military Performance,
Department of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda,
    • Another pertinent factor may have been the participant's involvement in a new training regime as the start date of the research coincided with the beginning of the competitive season. There is evidence to suggest that physical training fosters the development of MT as well as closely related constructs such as resilience (Deuster & Silverman, 2013 ), and plentiful research highlighting the psychological benefits of exercise (e.g., Edwards, 2015). To substantiate findings, further research should consider measures to help to control the variables.
    Full-text · Article · Jan 2016
    • A similar parallel has been drawn to the benefits of a common and frequent physical challenge: physical exercise. Physical exercise presents a notable challenge to physiological adaptation (McEwen, 2003), and has been implicated as a promoting factor in resilience in earlier development (Strohle, 2009) and in resilient responses to stress in adults (Deuster & Silverman, 2013). Further, maintenance of physical exercise earlier in life is predictive of greater behavioral engagement in older age, despite the presence of chronic pain (A.
    [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Factors contributing to resilience in chronic pain have garnered increased attention in recent years, and research has identified physical and psychosocial characteristics and mechanisms that enhance adaptation to pain, and a host of iatrogenic effects of medications that attempt to end the pain altogether. Ambiguity remains regarding what constitutes resilience to pain, and which factors that influence resilience can be modified by psychosocial interventions. In this chapter we begin by identifying three key components of resilient responses to chronic pain despite pain: (1) recovery from pain-related decrements in functioning, (2) sustainability of purpose in the face of painful episodes, and (3) psychological growth from learning new and more effective ways to respond to recurrent episodes of moderate to severe arthritis pain. We review current research findings of individual differences in successful adaptation with this model of resilience in mind. Further, we introduce time course as a contributing factor to resilient outcomes, incorporating the role of developmental and situational factors in the initial onset of pain through development of and adjustment to chronic pain. Fatigue, a complex and salient barrier for individuals with chronic pain, is examined as an example of a failure of self-regulation and recovery processes in arthritis. Additionally, the role of goal orientation and reward processing in catalyzing resilient responses to pain is reviewed. Finally, the interpersonal context of pain resilience is examined, with specific attention paid to social contributors to positive emotion, social support, and styles of pain expression.
    Full-text · Chapter · Jan 2016 · Brain Research
    • It is also acknowledged to be a resource which appears most often via experiencing serious difficulties and threats under which a person displays signs of positive adaptation (Ogińska-Bulik & Juczyński, 2008a, 2008b). Past research indicates that sportspeople tend to have a higher level of resiliency than people who are not engaged in sport (Cevada et al., 2012;Deuster & Silverman, 2013;Machida, Irwin, & Feltz, 2013). Similarly higher results with regards to resiliency were obtained by police officers and diabetics, i.e. people who struggle with stressful situations everyday, in comparison to office workers (OgińskaBulik & Juczyński, 2008b).
    [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Background The aim of this paper is to describe the results of a study concerning the relationship between resiliency and appraisal of a stressful situation, anxiety reactions and undertaken methods of coping among sportsmen. Participants and procedure The research concerned 192 competitors who actively train in one of the Olympic disciplines – individual or team. We used the following instruments: Resiliency Assessment Scale (SPP-25); Stress Appraisal Questionnaire A/B; Reactions to Competition Questionnaire; Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS); Sport Stress Coping Strategies Questionnaire (SR3S, self-constructed). Results Athletes most frequently apply positive types of stress appraisal, and they cope with stress through a task-oriented style during competitions. There is a relationship between the level of resiliency and the analysed aspects of the process of stress. The higher the resiliency, the more positive is the appraisal of a stressful situation and the more task-oriented are the strategies applied. Similarly, in everyday situations resilient sportspeople positively appraise difficult situations and undertake mostly task-oriented strategies. Resiliency is connected with less frequently experiencing reactions in the form of anxiety. Conclusions The obtained results, similarly to previous research, suggest that resiliency is connected with experiencing positive emotions. It causes more frequent appraisal of stressful situations as a challenge. More resilient people also choose more effective and situation-appropriate coping strategies. Therefore they are more resistant to stress.
    Full-text · Article · Oct 2015
    • Regular exercise and physical activity are key buffers against stress and many chronic and stress-related diseases (Silverman and Sternberg, 2012; Deuster and Silverman, 2013). Studies have shown that regular physical activity/exercise and increased physical fitness can provide a protective effect against development of metabolic (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disease [CVD], type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome) (Gerber and Puhse, 2009; Li and He, 2009; Huang et al., 2013) and psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction) (Rethorst et al., 2009; Herring et al., 2010 Herring et al., , 2012 Gligoroska and Manchevska, 2012).
    Full-text · Article · Nov 2014 · Brain Research
    • Regular exercise and physical activity are key buffers against stress and many chronic and stress-related diseases (Silverman and Sternberg, 2012; Deuster and Silverman, 2013). Studies have shown that regular physical activity/exercise and increased physical fitness can provide a protective effect against development of metabolic (e.g., obesity, CVD, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome) (Gerber and Puhse, 2009; Li and He, 2009; Huang et al., 2013) and psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety and cognitive dysfunction) (Rethorst et al., 2009; Herring et al., 2010 Herring et al., , 2012 Gligoroska and Manchevska, 2012).
    [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Communication between maternal-fetal immune systems: development of immune tolerance.•Pathways by which immune dysfunction could contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders.•Effects of prenatal/perinatal stress and immune activity on CNS development/function.•Effects of prenatal/perinatal malnutrition on immune and CNS development/function.•Health benefits of physical activity during pregnancy for mother, fetus and infant.
    Full-text · Article · Nov 2014
  • [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Physical fitness, achieved through regular exercise and/or spontaneous physical activity, confers resilience by inducing positive psychological and physiological benefits, blunting stress reactivity, protecting against potentially adverse behavioural and metabolic consequences of stressful events and preventing many chronic diseases. In this review, we discuss the biological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of physical fitness on mental and physical health. Physical fitness appears to buffer against stress-related disease owing to its blunting/optimizing effects on hormonal stress responsive systems, such as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system. This blunting appears to contribute to reduced emotional, physiological and metabolic reactivity as well as increased positive mood and well-being. Another mechanism whereby regular exercise and/or physical fitness may confer resilience is through minimizing excessive inflammation. Chronic psychological stress, physical inactivity and abdominal adiposity have been associated with persistent, systemic, low-grade inflammation and exert adverse effects on mental and physical health. The anti-inflammatory effects of regular exercise/activity can promote behavioural and metabolic resilience, and protect against various chronic diseases associated with systemic inflammation. Moreover, exercise may benefit the brain by enhancing growth factor expression and neural plasticity, thereby contributing to improved mood and cognition. In summary, the mechanisms whereby physical fitness promotes increased resilience and well-being and positive psychological and physical health are diverse and complex.
    Full-text · Article · Oct 2014
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