Your Path.....

In my decades working as a physician, I saw many people who suffered. Often I couldn't help them as much as I wanted, but I came to realize how much they could help themselves. I am offering a new program called YOUR PATH, designed to empower participants to improve their health of body, mind and spirit and transform their lives. This concentrated 8 week program (see details) starts January 24, 2018, 7:30PM at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Hyattsville, MD. This program is designed for individuals who suffer from any chronic illness, pains, obesity, stress or other ailment; are ready to commit time to the weekly meetings and home practices;  and, want to be closer to God and learn how God can help them help themselves. 

Even if you cannot participate in this particular program, you can still take steps to start transforming your life. You can start with prayer or daily walks or studying some of the resources listed on this website. But, you must do something. And, there is no better time than now to start. You are in my prayers.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

Donna Chacko, MD

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my monthly blog or follow me on Facebook or Donna Chacko on Twitter. If my message helps you in any way, please consider sharing it with others. 

Dr. Donna Chacko promotes health of body, mind, and spirit through her website (, her blog, and programs at her church. She is the author of the award-winning book and Amazon best-seller Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey (Luminare Press, 2021). You can read her full bio here.

Additional Reading