“Pop-Up Conversations” appear first on Serenity and Health’s Facebook page, so be sure to “Like” and “Follow” us there. You may also Subscribe to the Serenity and Health Blog/Newsletter for links to the replays and show notes.
Ditching Fad Diets for Lasting Health with LK Paden
Meet LoriKay Paden, C.P.R.P. She is a long time specialist in wellness services in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Currently, she is Executive Director of the Hendersonville Family YMCA and theYMCA at Mission Pardee Health Campus. LoriKay, who goes by LK, is well known for her enthusiastic presentations and high energy exercise classes.
In this episode of Pop-Up Conversations, Dr. Donna Chacko and LK Paden discuss how to get off of the diet treadmill and find lasting health. For decades, LK Paden tried everything she could think of—pills, extreme diets and exercise, and limiting food—in order to become thin. A combination of faith, a focus on internal health, and new habits have helped her to reach and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Listen to the Audio File
About “The Y”
It’s more than a swim and a gym! The YMCA’s mission is to develop health of body, mind, and spirit. As an example, during the early pandemic, her Y swung into action with emergency child care for any kind of health care workers’ children. They have an “amazing” nutrition program, and in 6 months this year passed out 211,000 pounds of healthy food. Their policy is to give regardless of ability to pay.
Watch the Interview
About LK
“I’m not buying you anything for your birthday. You’re too fat.”
LK remembers these words from her grandmother on her 8th birthday as the first time she thought about her weight. Years later she looked at a photo of her 8 year old self and was shocked— “I looked like a tiny little rail thing.”
Her next memory of weight and self-image was when she started a new and exclusive high school as a freshman. She describes doing anything and everything to fit in. “I thought if I looked better, people would like me.”
““I had no God in my life and tried to fill myself with other things.””
She partied, binged, purged, drank, got into fights, and started power lifting--”I thought I was “all bad” and could “really kick butt.”
LK went to college and graduate school, got married, and had two kids. Just before she married in her early 20’s, she entered a body building competition and “lost 52 pounds in three months—people told me I looked amazing.”
Her husband was a Christian so she started going to Church with him. On the only day in her whole life she ever went to Church by herself, she answered an altar call and gave her life to Jesus.
But, the on and off disordered eating and distorted body image continued. She cycled up and down and went through periods of trying every diet, addicting exercise habits, fat burners, pills, binging, and laxatives. For a time she was called “Double Wrap” because she wore 2 layers of workout clothes for the exercise classes she taught. “I did not want to be seen.”
“It’s time to tell everyone who you really are.”
The climax came in 2013 when she was invited to be the main speaker on mind-body health at a large women’s conference at her church.
She was praying more at this time. To prepare for this talk, she studied the science of mind-body health, got a new coach, and dived into the book The Daniel Plan written by Rev. Rick Warren of the Saddle Back Church in California.
She realized that on the outside looked great—“Miss body builder, Miss group exerciser, Miss public speaker.” But….“I was a hypocrite. I was living a secret lie.” She recalls times when her husband and kids would go to youth group and she’d eat a whole box of cereal.
The big day came—Oct. 13, 2013. As she was preparing to give her talk, her multi-page notes fluttered to the ground and got all out of order. She describes standing at the lectern feeling frazzled, but she paused, prayed and heard God say to her: “It’s time to tell everyone who you really are.”
She spilled out her whole story to the 200 women in front of her. “I told them I was a fake and that I really struggled.” She cannot even recall all she said, but she remembers telling them she needed their friendship and that she would help them.
After that day, everything changed for LK. I had “no more issues with improper eating since then.” But, “I tell you, every day I have to make the choice to eat healthily, to move, and to not talk negative about myself.”
Discovering The Daniel Plan
LK describes the Daniel Plan as being a big part of her recovery. This plan is a biblical way of eating and living. It stresses:
and—LK adds—Fun.
A few months after her personal confession, she started a bible study based on the Daniel Plan—that group lasted for a number of years.
LK’s Tips:
Here is what helped LK and what she thinks might help you:
The Daniel Plan, read and follow—workbook is also available.
Journey with others—she says, “Email me if you want!”
Made to Crave by Lisa Tykurst
Chasing Vines by Beth Moore
Unashamed by Heather Davis Nelson
Realize that if you are dieting and exercising only because you care what you look like, you won’t be successful.
Prayer. Ask God to help you care for your temple.
Take baby steps and pick only one thing to work on.
Write down your intention and share it with someone else.
Avoid extremes.
Include strength training of some kind.
LK quotes Rev. Rick Warren speaking of our bodies: “God created it, Jesus died for it, the spirit lives in it.” So, we need to care for it.
““God created it, Jesus died for it, the spirit lives in it.””
LK, thank you so much for sharing your story!
Additional Links and Resources
Watch LK’s daughter Jolee Paden’s Pop-Up Conversation on “Running with God”
Subscribe to the Serenity and Health Blog for monthly encouragement and suggestions.
Like/Follow Serenity and Health on Facebook, where our Pop-Up Conversations are published first.
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About LK Paden
Paden’s mission is to teach, lead and inspire individuals, groups, and organizations. For the past 30 years, Paden has had the unique opportunity to serve in leadership roles in the public, private and non-profit recreation sectors to develop successful wellness programs and services. Her past and ongoing experience of consulting for agencies and directly managing large facilities, services, programs, events and employees has given Paden insight and knowledge that enlightens and inspires others to achieve excellence. Currently Paden serves as the Executive Director of the Hendersonville Family YMCA and the YMCA at Mission Pardee Health Campus. Paden is a frequent presenter at local, state and national conferences. Paden is sure to motivate her audience to transform learned information into action.
For more info. and the exercise classes, go on Facebook to LoriKay Paden or YMCA at Mission Pardee Campus. To donate to the YMCA, go http://ymcawnc.org/give
About Donna
Dr. Donna Chacko promotes health of body, mind, and spirit through her website (serenityandhealth.com), her blog, and programs at her church. She is the author of Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey (Luminare Press, 2021).
Donna previously practiced medicine for forty years, first as a radiation oncologist and later, after re-training, as a family medicine doctor. What she learned taking care of immigrants and the homeless in Washington, D.C., continues to influence her programs. A central theme is that health of body, mind, and spirit is interrelated and connected to God, all as a package deal. Donna is a wife, mother, and grandmother and lives in University Park, Maryland.
Questions? Reach out to Donna Chacko.
Do you use these excuses to avoid having to take action?