Five years ago today I published my first Serenity and Health blog post, “Knots, Threads, and Tangles.” I spoke of the tapestry God weaves with our lives as he creates his beautiful masterpiece and described how we see only the backside of this work of art with its tangle of knots, dangling threads, and mismatched colors that represent our often meandering and convoluted paths.
A lot has happened during these five years. President Trump was first inaugurated two weeks before my blog debuted. We have experienced many divisions and a pandemic. Every one of us has been affected. Though the back of the tapestry now contains knots that are tighter and tangles that are bigger, my hope and faith assure me the tapestry design on the front side remains exquisite.
I want to thank you, my readers, for your participation in Serenity and Health. I’m privileged to partner with you as we work with the colored threads of our day-to-day lives, trying to live faithfully as we seek health, peace, and closeness to God.
A review of the sixty articles I have written in these five years reminds me that some were fun to write and others challenging, but all of them have taught me something. I hope and pray that you, too, have benefited. Let me share a few reactions, both yours and mine.
My first post, “Knots, Threads, and Tangles” from Feb. 2, 2017, is most memorable. I was scared to death to actually write something and release it to the world. But I was very proud of myself when I finally clicked “send” and was empowered to continue.
“I Wonder,” Jan. 16, 2020, flowed out of me with ease after I visited the National Gallery of Art. Somehow I saw the magnificent art with new eyes. Do you remember the image I included of the marble bust, The Veiled Nun? It is magical. I think my right brain is slowly coming online—for Christmas this year, in response to my gentle hints, I received an electronic piano, a watercolor set, and a charcoal drawing set!
My hardest-to-write blog, and also the most revealing, is “Passing Judgment” from Nov. 20, 2021. I admit it’s long, but my feelings and thoughts about being judgmental just boiled out onto the page. I wrote: “What is going on? All I can think of is a Screwtape-like devil gleefully watching us fight with each other over issues and divisions he has fomented in our world. How successfully he has divided us into conflicting tribes!” The process of developing and writing this blog took me to my knees.
On Day 22 of the pandemic, April 2, 2020, I wrote “Q. and A.” and posed many questions. But I had just one answer, faith in Our Lord. I presented the Suscipe Prayer as a solution for our angst. A number of readers commented, some by email; clearly we were all reeling as the pandemic unfolded before us. The responses revealed that sharing pain and uncertainty in a community (like Serenity and Health) can help us navigate confusing times.
“Big Red Dumpster,” September 21, 2021, provoked the most reaction. I wrote about the problem of dealing with our accumulated “stuff,” especially as we age, and offered specific suggestions. My comments seemed to touch a nerve, which makes me think many of us must have too much stuff!
“Passing Judgement” (mentioned above) deeply affected at least a few of my readers, who shared that they, too, struggle with being loving and respectful of all, especially those with starkly different views. I think they found, as I have, that sharing our struggles can be deeply healing.
Today I offer no suggestions or homework. I’m celebrating this anniversary and you can celebrate with me. Know that I am deeply gratified and honored that you read my words. Your feedback is always appreciated. God bless each and every one of you

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for my monthly blog or follow me on Facebook or Donna Chacko on Twitter. If my message helps you in any way, please consider sharing it with others.
Dr. Donna Chacko promotes health of body, mind, and spirit through her website (, her blog, and programs at her church. She is the author of the award-winning book and Amazon best-seller Pilgrimage: A Doctor’s Healing Journey (Luminare Press, 2021). You can read her full bio here.
Additional Reading
This might be the life-changing miracle you are seeking.
Join more than 10 million others and learn 4 tools to help you solve problems.
To change the world, you must first change yourself. Read on to help you embrace and live this counterintuitive message.
Do you control your phone habits? Or does your phone control you?
Here's is a powerful example of what we can learn from history--enemies becoming friends.
Read more to learn about a remarkable free online program that will help you grow and deal in more healthy ways with life’s stresses.
Think how much better the world would be if we all took time to “pause and ponder.” Here is a fun and easy way to do just that.
Are you intrigued by the idea of a “Divine Therapist?” If so, keep reading.
It is not crazy to sit in silence doing nothing. Wise and holy men and women have always done it.
Do you struggle with burnout, busyness addiction, ineffective conflict style, blaming others or replaying old narratives? The truth is, the world we live in is messy. Join us in navigating the messiness together!
"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity." Learn who said this and one way to deal with war.
It sounds too good to be true. A habit that is easy, quick, and free—and good for you and for others!
When we open ourselves to His mercy and healing, we bring more love and peace into our hurting world.
How to let go of control? or why bother? Read about the last phase of my life.
For me to recommend a TV show, it has to be really good. CHOSEN is way better than good. It will stir your soul and enrich your relationship with Jesus.
My experience losing and then finding my quads showed me the value of strength training for all of us.
Do you wonder why good people do and believe things that are wrong or bad? Could the problem be blinders that block out the truth?
Meet Joe and Lori Ann, see what bouncebackability looks like, and ask yourself this question: If you have a life crisis, will you be able to bounce back and keep going? If you’re not sure, keep reading.
“Hurry sickness” is stressful, unhealthy, and detrimental to relationships. Learn what it is and what to do about it.
What about you? Are you struggling with a difficult relationship? Keep reading to learn more—about yourself and steps you can take to find relief and healing.
Pleasure and therapy combined. Keep reading to see how this could work for you.